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Educational outreach

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OurH2hOme     is an integrated research and educational platform aimed at uncovering the diversity and variation of the microbiome in household water in a participant-engaged manner and translating cutting-edge microbiome research to situated K-12 education experiences at the same time. It is a collaboration between Ling Lab and the mySci program at the Institute of School Partnership.


This material is based upon work supported in part by the National Science Foundation under Grant 2047470.

Household water is teeming with life. Every glass of water contains ten to a hundred million microbial cells. The majority of the microorganisms in potable water are harmless; in fact, they constitute the built environment microbiome that helps train our immune systems and seed our commensals. Certain organisms that are enriched in potable water systems can lead to public health concerns, and are considered “opportunistic premise plumbing pathogens”. We now know very little about the microbiomes of household water.

Household water is connected. Water is distributed from a connected network from a water treatment plant to everyone's homes. 

Household water microbiomes are unique. Each home's water receives a dynamic seeding flora which is then shaped by the household's own collection of design, setting, and water use habits. 

Uncovering the diversity, variation, and dynamics of the water microbiomes takes the effort of everyone.

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