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Ice cream at the Clementine's 2022.8.11

Group ice cream to celebrate Lin and Bingdi's paper and send off Winston to UPenn. Left to right: Kaseba, Bingdi, LIn, David, and Winston.

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David's original artwork made cover of RSC journal 2022.7.1

Check out the cover of the July issue of RSC Environmental Science: Water Research and Technology made by our own Dr. David Mantilla-Calderon! 

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OurH2hOme kit delivery 2021.11.15

To deliver OurH2hOme kits to one of our participating schools, Kirkwood High, Lin, Miguel, and Matt hand-packed ~30 kits. Now on their way to Kirkwood! 


Group dinner at Pi Pizzeria 2019.7.29

The group sends off Sahil at Pi Pizzeria. Left-to-right: Fangqiong, Lin, Sahil, Yi, and Bingdi. 

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